Screen Print Patches and more…

A lot of new things are going on in patch making land with For the Win Inc. I have spent the last 4 months designing and releasing embroidery patches on my Etsy store. They have been well received to say the least. With that, I decided to go in a new direction, not because I thought it would sell, but because I personally like this style of patchwork. I just released 4 new patch designs on the store this week. But this time they aren’t embroidery patches. No, instead they are screen printed designs on black fabric. These are the types of patches most commonly associated with back patches, vests, jackets, and pant legs. This style of screen print patches are usually seen being worn by individuals in the punk, crust punk, grungecore, doom metal, and deathcore scene. Neo-thrash abounds with these punk inspired patches. And since the types of people that wear this style of patch are of the opinionated variety, I have a few more designs in the works that display some of my more political and economical stances on the modern times we live in today. I don’t honestly know that these will sell as well as the embroidery patches, but I am honestly okay with that. After all, I didn’t release these designs to make money. I released them to have fun while making them for myself. That’s right… these patches are going on my vest!


With that mentioned, my vest is getting a total overhaul. I got a new back patch made up to replace my current one. It’s pretty brutal and I am excited to get it, along with these 4 new patch designs sewn onto my vest. Luckily Sarah knows how to use a sewing machine. Hopefully she won’t roll her eyes too many times while fighting her way through the pile of new patches I have getting put together on my vest. I am excited to get them put on it for sure! This new one “Read the Bible… the End is Nigh”, speaks true to how I feel about our existence as not only a nation, but as a world. And since I was getting so many compliments on my existing back patch, I got a bright idea. If that many people were actually reading my back patch, why not make it of something relevant to my personal views and convictions? After all, they were the ones that chose to read it, right…


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